Selasa, 26 Februari 2013



Etymology : con (to) + junct (join) + ion
Conjunctions are words that do the work of joining two words,phrases,clauses or sentences.They basically do the function of joining.

They are classified as :
Cordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Double conjunctions

Subordinating conjunction : joins two unequal parts.In a complex sentence it joins the subordinate clause to a main clause.
Cordinating conjunction : joins two equal parts.In a compound sentence it does the function of joining two main clauses.

Subordinating conjunctions : here's a list of few subordinting conjunctions and the meaning they convey.

•after : indicates time
•although : concession
•as : reason
•as if : conditional
•as long as
•as much as
•as soon as : indicates time
•as though
•because : reason
•before : time or position
•even if : condition
•even though : concession
•if : conditional
•if only
•if when
•if then

in order that
•just as
•now since
•now that
•now when
•once : time
•provided that
•rather than
•since : reason
that : a clause indicator (adjective)
•though : concession
•til : time
•until : time
•when : time
•where : place
•where if
•whether : choice
•which : clause indicator (adjective clause)
•why : reason


Giving and responding to compliment

Clarra : Suzan! You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday!
Suzan : What happened? What are you so excited about?
Clarra : I met Avril Lavigne, my favorite singer, in person!
Suzan : Really? Congratulation Clarra. You’re so lucky, I’m happy to you. and what was the occasion?
Clarra : I went to her album launching. I had my pictures taken with her and we shook hands! Here, check put the pictures for yourself.
Suzan : Wow you met your idol! What’s she like?
Clarra : She’s very friendly. When I said hello, she greeted me back and smiled at me. Too bad my friend Vincy, wasn’t there with me. She also big fan of Avril’s
Suzan : Why don’t you send her an email with these pictures.
Clarra : Do you think so?
Suzan : I’m sure she’d love them.
Clarra : alright! Thanks zan
Suzan : you’re welcome



•The word used to refer to a definite time in the past.
•Used to is used for showing habit in the past time.
I used to go to the movies a lot.
•Used to is used for regular actions or events in the past that no longer happen.
I used to play badminton twice a week, but now I only play once a month.

Example in dialogue:

Tika  : Do you play tennis?
Risky  : I used to play a lot, but I haven’t played for years.
Tika  : Do you enjoy playing?
Rizky  : Very much. But I never have time.
Tika  : Are you very good?
Rizky  : I used to be OK.
Tika  : Would you like a game?
Risky  : Of course.
Tika  : When can you get away?
Risky  : How about Friday, after work?
Tika  : That would suit me.
Risky  : Do you know where we can play?
Tika  : There are courts at our gym. I’ll reserve one.

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Noun Clause

Rumus Noun Clause
Noun clause dapat diawali oleh noun clause markers berupa question word, if atau whether, dan that. Adapun contoh noun clause pada clause lain beserta detail marker-nya dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Contoh Noun Clause dalam Kalimat
Question Word
Question word:
what(ever), what (time, kind, day, etc),
how (long, far, many times, old, etc)
The class listened carefully what the teacher instructed.
(Seluruh kelas mendengarkan dengan teliti apa yang guru instruksikan.)
The kitten followed wherever the woman went.
(Anak kucing mengikuti kemanapun wanita itu pergi.)
Many people imagine how many time the man was failed before success.
(Banyak orang membayangkan berapa kali pria itu gagal sebelum sukses.)
if atau whether
biasanya digunakan untuk kalimat jawaban dari pertanyaanyes-no question
Where does Andy live?
(Dimana Andy tinggal?)I wonder
 if he lives in West Jakarta.
(Saya pikir dia tinggal di Jakarta Barat.)
Is Andy live on Dewi Sartika Street?
(Apakah Andy tinggal di jalan Dewi Sartika?)I don’t know
 if he live on Dewi Sartika Street or not.
I don’t know whether or not he lives on Dewi Sartika street.
(Saya tidak tahu jika dia tinggal di jalan Sartika atau tidak.)
biasanya that-clause untukmental activity. Berikut daftarverb pada main clause yang biasanya diikuti that-clause:assume, believe, discover, dream, guess, hear, hope, know, learn, notice, predict, prove, realize, suppose, suspect, think
I think that the group will arrive in an hour.
(Saya pikir rombongan itu akan tiba dalam satu jam.)
Many people proved that the man was a big liar.
(Banyak orang membuktikan bahwa pria itu pembohong besar.)
Fungsi Noun Clause
Berikut adalah contoh kalimat dari setiap fungsi noun clause.
Contoh Noun Clause dalam Kalimat
Subject of a Verb
What she cooked was delicious.
That today is his birthday is not right.
Subject complement
The fact is that she is smart and dilligent.
A teacher must be whoever is patient.
Object of a Verb
Diana believes that her life will be happier.
I want to know how Einstein thought.
Object of apreposition
The girl comes from where many people there live in poverty.
He will attend the party with whichever fits to his body.


Parents arguing dialogue

Dan: I’m home
Jane: back home late aren’t you?
Dan: yeah well, I had to clear up some things in the office.
Jane: o really. Jack said you guys just had a good time at the Feisty Goat Bar.
Dan: ah… he did?
Jane: yeah…. So how was it?
Dan: how’s what?
Jane: the drinking.
Dan: o… the drinking… well… er… it was good.
Jane: pretty good huh.. good enough to make me wait for you huh?
Dan: why were you waiting for me dearest?
Jane: o.. nothing…. Just had a small dinner planned just for the two of us. Salad all mixed and ready, Champagne in the ice, two steaks ready for the grill… but no…. you were busy at the bar clearing up some things weren’t you?
Dan: but what are we celebrating dearest? Is there something about today that I should remember?
Jane: remember?! Why just don’t worry your poor old head, its just 20th anniversary that’s all..
Dan: why … i… I’m sorry I forgot…
Jane: Of cos you’re forgiven. Now, if you would just excuse me, I’ll be on my way to my mother’s house.
Dan: aww.. c’mon Jane lets talk about this ok? This was my fault….
Mom: so how was work?
Dad: ahh…had a lot of clients today in the office, and well I have to fly to Taiwan tonight for a presentation to the branch there..
Mum: o really. Ronnie just told me you had a great time at the driving range( golf).
Dad: its just some clients lah.. you know them….
Mum: Just go out and spend time with your friends huh! While I wait at home for you..
Dad: aiya… you know la.. work is work… can you stop nagging at me not?
(ARGUMENT deteriorates FURTHER)



K:Assalamualaikum adi, good afternoon(assalamualaikum adi,selamat siang)
A:Waalaikum salam,good afternoon adi(waalaikum salam,selamat siang david)
K:how about our team homework ?(bagaimana pr kelompok kita?)
A:Oh yeah.Biology homework about global warming right.(oh iya,pr biologi tentang pemanasan global benar)
K:We must make a wallpaper about global warming and finished that next week(kita harus membuat wallpaper tentang pemanasan global kan)
A: What you have an idea for this homework?(apa kamu punya ide untuk pr ini?)
K:Mmmmm…..I was thinking it,a big globe of earth……with the factories,the junk,and pollution around us it will be awesome(mmmm….aku sudah memikirkannya.Globe bumi yang besarr…dengan pabrik-pabrik,sampah,dan polusi di sekeliling kita)
A:I agree with you,maybe we can adding flood in Jakarta,the bald forest in borneo,and damaged north pole (saya setuju dengan mu,mungking kita bisa menambahkan banjir di jakarta,hutan gundul di kalimantan,dan kerusakan kutub utara)
K:We must have a good picture to edited,maybe I can get it from Google Earth.(kita harus punya gambar yang bagus untuk diedit,mungkin saya bisa mendapatkannya di google earth)
A:I agree,they have a good point of view for our earth.(Saya setuju,mereka punya sudut pandang yang baik untuk bumi)
K:Can we do this homework tomorrow?(bisa kita mengerjakan pr ini besok?)
A:I am sorry I can’t(maaf saya tidak bisa)
A:I must go to matos,looking for my new notebook.You have advise?(saya harus pergi ke matos untuk,mencari notebook ku yang baru,Kamu punya nasihat?)
K:I must be disagree with you.It is better for you looking for computer stuff in Matahari Pasar Besar.In third floor especially.You can get the same notebook cheaper than you buy in matos.(aku tidak stuju dengan kamu,lebih baik kamu mencari barang komputer di matahari pasar besar.Terutama di lantai 3,Kamu bisa mendaptkan notebook yang sama dengan harga yang lebih murah daripada kamu beli di matos)
A:Thank for the advise.What do you need for edited that picture?(terimakasih buat nasihatmu,Apa yang kamu butuhkan untuk mengedit gambarnya)
K:Photoshop,corel draw,irfan view,and…..
A: And what?(dan apa?)
K:I forgot the name……(aku lupa namanya…).
A:Microsoft office,gimp,artiser,macromedia flash….
K:That is it,I need macromedia flash….(itu dia,aku butuh macromedia flash)
A: Ok.I will bring it for you…(berjalan keluar) bye bye(ok aku akan membawanya untukmu…)
K:Wait…when we do this homework??(tunggu ….kapan kita kerjakan pr ini)
A:At Friday,agree?(Hari jumat,setuju)
K:I agree.I free that day(saya setuju,saya bebas hari itu)
K:wa alaikum salam.

The previous post about the list in example of discussion texts is quite famous. The list of discussion text will be completely benefit if it is strengthened by the example of dialog about agreement and disagreement. Some keywords in "agree and disagree" which are commonly used was posted in how to express agreement and disagreement.
Expressing agreement and disagreement is closely related to discussion text as it explores an issue from different points of view. This types of text is labeled as pros and cons text. What pros and cons are will be explained next post
Here is the following sample of very short dialog consisting agreement and disagreement

Disagree in Dialog:
John: Hey what do u think about this movie?
Zedo: I think this movie is really good.
John: I don't think so. This movie is so boring that I sleep while watch it. The plot is flat and there is not any suspense in the story. I like watching film but this time I disagree with you

Agree in Dialog:
Ati: Hey, Look at my new Ring , isn't it cool??
Bis: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you, your ring is so cool. It perfectly matches with your finger. It must be a very expensive ring.

expressing opinion

Expressing Opinion

(Memberikan pendapat)

Assistant : Good morning, Miss. Can I help you?
Tiara : Yes, please. I need a pair of shoes and also a pair of jeans.
Nana : And I want to buy a hat and dress.
Assistant : Oh….. You can find it there.
Tiara : Nana, come here! What do you think about this pair of jeans?
Nana : I think that it’s suitable for you.
Tiara : But, I don’t like the colour.
Nana : It seems that this one is suitable for you. This is blue! Your favourite colour.
Tiara : Yes, correct. I will take this one. And what about you?
Nana : Wait a moment. I’ll choose one of these hats.
Tiara : What colour do you want?
Nana : I want red colour.
Tiara : What about this red one?
Nana : This is very sweet. I’ll try it first.
Tiara : Where is the sitting room?
Assistant : The fitting room is at the corner.
Nana : Ok. Let’s go there.

giving and responding compliment

Everyone likes to hear compliments. Compliments make people feel good about themselves, and we all need that at times. Hotel guests and staff are no exceptions. Guests may give hotel staff compliments for the quality of their service, for their English ability, for their appearance in an unique uniform, or for doing something a little extra for the guest.
A hotel staff may give a guest a compliment about how they look in a newly purchased outfit, or for their patience when a problem arises, or for a beautiful new hair style after visiting a beauty parlor. Look at the expressions below that can be used when giving and responding to compliments.
Expression Of Giving Compaliment
Giving Complaiments
—That’s a very nice …(dress).
—Great job on the …(presentation).
—You look very good in … (that new hair-do).
—This dish is delicious, my compliments to the chef.
—That … (tie) looks great on you.
Responses to compliments
—How kind of you to say so.
—Thank you.
—I’m glad you like it.
—It was nothing really. (an expression of modesty and humility)
Learn the expressions used for giving compliments to others. Practice by saying them loudly.
—Your performance on the stage is amazing.
—How wonderful to listen to  your  great voice.
—How mar vellous .
—Great ! (You look great) / Great for  you.
—Terrific ! (Hey, that’s terrific !)
—That’s really remarkable /well  done.
Now, learn the expressions  use for responding to compliments.
—It’s very kind of you to say so.
—Thank you.
—I can say how pleased (delighted) I am.
—I’m delighted  to hear  that.
—Thank for your compliment.

Staff: What a beautiful dress, Mrs. Elliot.
Guest: Thanks, I’m glad you like it.
Staff: Your new hair-do looks absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Simpson.
Guest: How kind of you to say so.
Guest: My compliments to the chef. This linguine is superb.
Staff: Thank you ma’am. I’ll be sure to let the chef know.
Guest: Your English is very good.
Staff: Thank you very much.
Staff: Excellent game Mr. Johnson. You really gave me a workout.
Guest: Thanks, I guess all those private lessons are finally paying off.
Guest: I really appreciate all the extra work you did on helping us solve that problem. It truly went above and beyond. My compliments to your work ethic.
Staff: Thank you sir, how kind of you to say so.[

Giving and responding to compliment

Clarra : Suzan! You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday!
Suzan : What happened? What are you so excited about?
Clarra : I met Avril Lavigne, my favorite singer, in person!
Suzan : Really? Congratulation Clarra. You’re so lucky, I’m happy to you. and what was the occasion?
Clarra : I went to her album launching. I had my pictures taken with her and we shook hands! Here, check put the pictures for yourself.
Suzan : Wow you met your idol! What’s she like?
Clarra : She’s very friendly. When I said hello, she greeted me back and smiled at me. Too bad my friend Vincy, wasn’t there with me. She also big fan of Avril’s
Suzan : Why don’t you send her an email with these pictures.
Clarra : Do you think so?
Suzan : I’m sure she’d love them.
Clarra : alright! Thanks zan
Suzan : you’re welcome

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Expressing Certainty

 This morning, there are two people in meeting room. They are talking.
 Nisa : “Hi, good morning”
 Andi : “Good morning, how are you today ?”
 Nisa : “I’m fine. The air in this room will feel fresh, if you smoke here.”
 Andi : “Of course, because smoking is very nice. If we smoke, we can fell comfortable and quiet”
 Nisa : “Sure, I agree with your opinion”
 Andi : “Thanks”
 Nisa : “But, I have some problems here”
 Andi : “What ?”
 Nisa : “Do you know, if I satirize you ?”
 Andi : “Why ?, because I’m a smoker?”
 Nisa : “Certainly. Do you know, if smoking is harmful for everybody ?”
 Andi : “Of course not”
 Nisa : “Cigarettes contain many harmful chemical substances, for example : nikotine, tar, Carbon monoxide,      a chemical substance that can cause cancer, etc”
 Andi : “What are the impacts of smoking ?”
 Nisa : “The impacts of smoking are lung cancer, heart desease, emfisema, bronchitis, etc”
 Andi : “It means that my lungs are already ruined ?”
 Nisa : “Yes, of course. In addition, cigarette smoke is dangerous for passive smokers, like me”
 Andi : “I’m sorry. i don’t know, if smoking is harmful.”
 Nisa : “Okey, no problem”

Bargaining/ Haggle

Settlement of Second Mortgages and HELOCs There is a “hidden” component to the real estate and financial crisis, and it gets very little attention by the media. I’m referring to the problem with second mortgages on homes that have lost market value during the real estate crash. Banks are being allowed by the Treasury Department to keep large portfolios of second-lien mortgages on their books at values close to those before the bubble burst. Some estimates indicate that up to 50% of at-risk properties include this type of loan, so it’s a huge problem. There are more than $1 trillion in outstanding second-mortgage loans, with more than 40% of that concentrated among the four largest lenders. With housing prices down more than 30% average since 2006, many of these second liens are either completely without equity as collateral, or very close to it. Today, the major banks are carrying these notes at 86-93% of book value, when some estimates indicate that they are actually worth only 40-60 cents on the dollar on average. Many consumers are unaware that it’s often possible to settle with creditors on second mortgage obligations for greatly reduced principal balances. Why would a second lender agree to a settlement on a debt that is secured? Simple. Once the property drops in value below the level where even the first mortgage is under water, then the second lender is completely exposed and is very unlikely to recover anything by way of foreclosure. In that situation, a settlement for even 10-15% of the face value on the mortgage often makes sense for the lender. For example, let’s say you purchased a home for $300,000, with $30,000 down payment and a first mortgage of $270,000. Later the property appreciated in value $400,000 when the market was at its peak. Like so many Americans, you borrowed against the increased home value and took out a home equity line of credit (HELOC). With the home valued at $400,000 against a mortgage of $270,000, you had $130,000 of equity to work with. Being prudent, you didn’t borrow all of that, only $100,000. So you had a first of $270,000 and a HELOC for $100,000. Then the real estate crash happened. Your $400,000 house is now worth only $250,000, less than you originally paid for it. This means that the first mortgage of $270,000 is itself under water, since the house would sell for less than you owe on the loan. And therefore the second lien is 100% exposed. There is no collateral at all remaining to cover this note. In practical terms, this type of obligation can be settled the way any unsecured debt (like a credit card account) can be settled. At ZipDebt, we’ve been assisting some of our clients to settle second mortgages, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. We’re seeing 10-15% settlements routinely, even less in some cases. But it’s important to understand that not all second mortgages can be settled, nor is it appropriate to use this strategy in all cases where the property is distressed. Sometimes there are other solutions more appropriate to the specific situation. It really requires a detailed analysis to determine whether a second mortgage or HELOC is suitable for the settlement approach. There are a number of key factors involved, such as whether the home is primary or a rental property, whether the state the property is located in is a “recourse” or “non-recourse” state, the specific type of mortgage contract involved, and of course, the equity figures relative to loan face values. UPDATE: April 5, 2012 As of April 2012 we are offering PAID CONSULTATIONS ONLY on second mortgages or HELOCs, and no longer offer free consultations on this subject. Our fee is only $150, and includes 30 days of follow-up support via email. We made this change because our experience has been that each mortgage situation is totally unique, and requires careful analysis and discussion before a solid recommendation on strategy can be made. We have had so many inquiries on the topic of second mortgage or HELOC settlement, that we felt a paid consultation would be the most efficient method of assisting consumers to avoid scams and make the correct strategic decision. For additional details, please visit our other website at UPDATE NOVEMBER 26, 2012: Gerri Detweiler of recently interviewed me on Talk Credit Radio on the subject of second mortgage and HELOC settlements. This is an in-depth podcast that covers a lot of important information consumers need to know on this topic. If you’d like to learn more about debt settlement as it pertains to mortgages or HELOCs, this is the audio file you’ve been hunting for! Click here to download the full podcast free of charge.

Giving and Responding Invitation

Summer Vacation

 Arif : Hi, Tika.
Tika : Hi, Arif. What’s up friend?
Arif : Hmmm, are you doing anything for next week?
Tika : Nothing. Why?
Arif : Hmm, like you know, next week we will have summer vacation to Bali and I think that I need you to be my date. Would you mind to come along with me?
Tika : Really? I’d love it so much.
Arif : Well, I will pick you at 7 a.m next week at school.
Tika : OK. Thanks Arif.
Arif : You’re welcome. Bye Tika and see you next week.
 Tika : See you, too. Bye-bye.