Etymology : con (to) + junct (join) + ionConjunctions are words that do the work of joining two words,phrases,clauses or sentences.They basically do the function of joining.
They are classified as :
Cordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Double conjunctions
Subordinating conjunction : joins two unequal parts.In a complex sentence it joins the subordinate clause to a main clause.
Cordinating conjunction : joins two equal parts.In a compound sentence it does the function of joining two main clauses.
Subordinating conjunctions : here's a list of few subordinting conjunctions and the meaning they convey.
•after : indicates time
•although : concession
•as : reason
•as if : conditional
•as long as
•as much as
•as soon as : indicates time
•as though
•because : reason
•before : time or position
•even if : condition
•even though : concession
•if : conditional
•if only
•if when
•if then
•in order that
•just as
•now since
•now that
•now when
•once : time
•provided that
•rather than
•since : reason
•that : a clause indicator (adjective)
•though : concession
•til : time
•until : time
•when : time
•where : place
•where if
•whether : choice
•which : clause indicator (adjective clause)
•why : reason